Design Why software blueprint Other services

Software engineering is an art and software design is a major pillar on which it stands. In most real-world scenario, software engineering is about automating real-world problems or processes in a business domain. And to do that well, one needs to have a fairly good understanding of the business domain. The focus should not be on the programming language or the code, but on the business processes pertaining to the domain in question. A well understood domain takes into consideration not just the business rules for all possible use cases, but more importantly business process exceptions, known process ambiguities, process conflicts, limitations, and plausible process glitches. Only a good domain knowledge can lead to a good workable software design. Programming languages and code are merely tools to implement a well thought design. The final software should be useful, practical and should reflect your business domain and it is possible only if you have understood the domain well.


Getting into a discussion with the domain experts, asking the right set of questions about business processes which at times lead to serious brainstorming sessions, kick starts the development of high level of abstraction about the domain. This abstraction is an absolute necessity and it needs to be represented in a set of structured instructions using a common language, understood by the domain experts, business analysts, software architects, and software developers. While documents written in high level language such as English or other similar languages, diagrams, pictures do play a role, they leave enough space for ambiguity to creep in. We translate this high level of abstraction into well-structured algorithms using Unified Modeling Language (UML) techniques as base. We call this process of translation, ‘business process modeling’. In this process we don’t limit ourselves to high level design of UML, but delve into finer details, the end result of which is a software blueprint which is a set of algorithms in pseudo code language where each algorithm mimics a business process using a network of instructions beautifully weaved together based on the truth or falsity of previous sub-processes or instructions. Developing a software to represent business processes A, B, and C in a relationship such as (A + B) → C is not too difficult to implement. Where it gets complicated is in understanding what are the exceptions or conflicts in (A + B) → C. Hoping this understanding will automatically come during the software development stage leaves enough space for leaks and gaps to creep into the software, eventually leading to software bugs. A well-structured software blueprint captures all possible logical paths the system can take which means that your test cases are getting ready along with the software blueprints. If the software can take n logical paths, then the software should have n test cases. And we have not written a single piece of code yet.

The initial software blueprint goes through few stages of technical transformations which includes database design, message queue, event logging, etc., and matures into a near complete representation of the abstraction we started with. Software architects and software developers can use software blueprints to create other layers of abstraction in object-oriented programming such as class and object relationships, suitable design pattern, suitable architecture pattern, and infrastructure architecture before venturing into software development or coding. Our approach of software engineering is a mix of design and test-driven development.

Why software blueprint

  • Average software testing time is about 30-35% of the overall software development time. This includes time to write proper test cases and testing them out. This does not include time required to fix the identified bugs during testing. Overall software development time could easily swell in excess of 50-60% of the estimated time, subject to the quality of software coding and testing. Software blueprint increases the possibility of catching software bugs much before the software is developed thus reducing overall testing time.
  • A well-structured software blueprint captures all possible logical paths the system can take which means that your test cases are getting ready along with the software blueprints. If the software can take n logical paths, then the software should have n test cases.
  • Business processes always outgrow and that make software upgradation unavoidable. Care should be taken not to break the existing software code while adding new features. Lack of design documentation is one of the main reasons for software bugs. It is a highly painstaking job for any software development resource to decipher the software code and logic just by reviewing the source code without any proper design or code level documentation. Our pseudocode-based software blueprinting acts as a handy resource for software development team always.
  • Due to lack of in-house skills, many startups are forced to outsource the software development work to third party vendors. As a long-term business strategy most of them want to take back the control within their fold as soon as they have their in-house skills in place. This knowledge transfer usually does not go very smoothly because of lack of documentation. Our pseudocode-based software blueprinting helps to train the in-house software development team much faster and makes this knowledge transfer seamless.

Other services

Software Development

  • As a part of software development, we make use of all leading software frameworks, languages and platforms to implement the well thought software design.
  • Programming languages: C++, Java, Python, React.js, Angular.js, node.js

Database Services

  • Database Management services (Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Sybase)
  • Database Management:
    • Database installation and upgrades
    • User management, database storage management
    • Database Backup & Recovery, cloning, database migration and database restoration.
    • Logical and Physical backups of database
    • Database performance tuning, SQL tuning, stats gathering
  • Creating shell script for database automation
  • SQL and PL/SQL scripting
  • Consultancy on high availability models in all database technologies.

Infrastructure Services

  • Infrastructure Services
    • Network Operation Centre (NOC) for proactively monitoring performance & availability
    • Security Operation Centre (SOC) as a service to detect potential threats to IT Infrastructure
    • Cloud Migration
  • System Integration & Networking
    • Routing, Switching, Networking, and security devices
    • Server, virtualization & storage
  • Cyber Security
    • Security Testing (Vulnerability Scan, Penetration Testing, Configuration Review & Secure Architecture Review)
    • Consulting (ISMS, ISO27001, GDPR, ISO27701, SOC2, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, NIST, CSF, NERC-CIP etc.)

Get In Touch

Collaboration Labs Pvt Ltd.

B1/S1 Ganga Chelston, Silver Spring Road,
Varthur Road, Munnekolala,
Bangalore – 560 037,
Karnataka, INDIA

+91-7012783380 sales@colllabs.com

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